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Advice for Hookers and Slicers

It was the illustriious golf teacher John Jacobs, I think who first estimated that eighty percent of all golfers were slicers and since then no-one has contradicted him, so it is a safe bet that if you are reading this that you are a slicer. However this article is aimed at hookers and slicers alike because to understand one is to understand the other. Numerous articles have been written on hooking and slicing and also on the related ideas of drawing and fading the ball. The former two are considered faults we want to eradicate and the latter two are considered skills possessed by better players. However all can be understood together so not only can you first eradicate your slice but with the same knowledge start to develop your ability to work the ball. That is to build controlled fades and draws into your game.


I say this because the cause of slices and fades and draws ansd hooks is basically a biomechanical one and as such can be easily understood which is good news for all you slicers and hookers. It is biomechanical but I have never ever read in any golf instruction this biomecahical cause. I hav only ever read one article which provides a really accurate description of how to fade and draw the ball. This was an article by the great american golfer Nacy Lopez whose brilaaint play and sunny personality sowed many seeds for the success of the LPGA today. Judging from the article she also had a fine understanding of the game and this may have been a big factor in her success.


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